Monte Bello Lodge #10
Meeting Notes
February24, 2020

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Good Evening Good Brothers,

Sorry I had to miss today's meeting but thank you so much for your thoughts and feelings related to my wife, Nita.  She did great today with her spinal injection.  She is very sore tonight and her IV backed up today causing swelling in her right arm but that swelling is already receding.  I appreciate the fact that she was in your conversations today and the good thoughts put forth.  I have already passed this information on to her and she asked me to thank each of you.  

It is my understanding either nine or ten members were present today at the meeting. The lodge also discussed Brother Harry Williams’ situation. I will be contacting Harry tomorrow to check on him and his family. I will share any updates. Brother Ed Yeilding was unable to attend the meeting due to a UNA commitment. I was unable to attend due to

I will be checking with Prattville Brother Andrew Moulton to see if he will be attending our meeting on Monday, March 9th. As soon as I know his decision, I will let you guys know. Hopefully, we will have the Prattville Website and Facebook page up soon. It is still a works in progress.

I am still awaiting notifications from all of the Brothers as to who should be recognized at the June Grand Lodge Convention as a past Grand Chancellor, Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer with five consecutive years in those positions and any Grand Trustee with 15 years consecutive years in that position.

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