Monte Bello Lodge #10
Meeting Notes
August 2, 2021

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Good Morning Good Brothers,

I hope this email finds everyone doing well. I am happy to report that I do not have the Coronavirus. The doctor has given me an antibiotic and some other medications for my cough, sore throat, and chest issues. I am a long way from better but I am starting to feel better. Thank you for your phone calls, thoughts, and prayers. With all this said we had our meeting yesterday and 7 members were in attendance, Brothers Dan Howard, Hermon Graham, Dan Richardson, Robert Steen, Leslie Johnson, Jim Harris, and Ed Yeilding. Once again there were too few members to hold a business meeting. Due to the increase in the spread of the Coronavirus, it was decided by the group that all meetings will be suspended until further notice. Hopefully, it will not be long before we are meeting again. Have a great rest of your summer.

With Warm Regards,

Brother Steve

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