Monte Bello Lodge #10
Meeting Notes
October 10, 2022

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  1. Brother Rob Tyree

  2. Brother Marvin Whisenant

  3. Brother Jim Harris

  4. Brother Steve Edwards

  5. Brother Robert Steen

  6. Brother Leslie Johnson

  7. Brother Harry Williams

  8. Guest Matthew Edwards

During the meeting, the following items were discussed:

  1. Brother Hermon welcomed Matthew to the meeting, and Matthew announced he would like to join the lodge.  The group approved Matthew as a member and welcomed him into the lodge.

  2. Brother Steve updated the group on Isaac Brakefield from Birmingham, who had expressed an interest in helping to start a lodge in that area.

  3. The Supreme Lodge had referred Mr. Samford to the Alabama Grand Lodge.  Brother Steve contacted Mr. Samford about his possible interest in helping form a lodge in the Auburn area.

  4. Brother Leslie updated the membership on his proposed diversionary youth program; he said that the National Judge’s Association was still working on the training video through their Education Committee and that he was contacting someone for assistance with the video in the Madison, Alabama area for help with that video. The ultimate plan is to complete the video for national distribution and then bring the proposed training to our area for lodge use in developing our program for the entire state.

  5. Brother Hermon reminded everyone about the Veterans Day program at Veteran’s Park in Florence on November 11th, starting at 11 AM.  All members are encouraged to attend.

  6. The next Lodge meeting will be held on Monday, October 24th, 2022, at the usual meeting place, starting with lunch at 11:30 AM and followed by the KOP business meeting at noon.  

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