CANTON LODGE #6 - Yard Sale Benefiting Kendrick House
On Saturday, May 6, the Brothers of Canton Lodge #6 sponsored a yard sale at the home of PDSC Barry Rubin and his wife, Donna Fox Rubin, to benefit Kendrick House. In Wareham, MA, Kendrick House provides housing for up to 21 veterans. The lodge was able to donate $500 from the sales of merchandise.
The following individuals participated:
PDSC Barry Rubin and his wife, Donna Fox Rubin
DSC David Winer
Grand Chancellor Richie Albert
Grand Treasurer Harvey Slobodkin
Past Grand Chancellor Jerome Ziedman
KGS and his wife, Phyllis
PDSC Dave Prager and his partner
Ruth Rubino
PSR Alan Zamansky, KGS
CC Dennis Ackerman and his wife, Judy
Sandy Medeiros.
Members of Canton Lodge and others made donations.