The Knights of Pythias

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AZ Grand Lodge Convention

We wish to personally thank all the Knights who attended the convention and the lodges that nominated them as delegates. Your attendance and participation are what keep the Knights of Pythias alive in Arizona as we work together to bring in the new generation of Knights, We thank all the Knights, wives, and friends who worked the Hospitality House. You all helped make this convention a success.

We also thank those Knights who were willing to service as Grand Lodge Officers. You dedication and commitment to attend the subordinate lodge officer installations and visitations as well as other state functions is a tribute to your character. Together we will continue to increase communication between the subordinate lodges, other lodges, Grand Lodge, and the communities that we serve. We are not a prideful group in our accomplishments as individuals but we must step up and promote what we do together so that other men may join us for the good of the community.

If you have any ideas then please send then to your local officers and to the Grand Lodge officers. We can promote your activities and attend your functions. 

Thank you,

Arizona Grand Lodge