A Wonderful State Picnic

Greetings my Brothers,

I want to say that yesterday's State Picnic was great!!! A big Shout Out to Brother Joe Emery who coordinated it and my hat off to those Brothers and Family members who helped out in making this a memorable gathering.

The variety of food was delicious, but I have to say that the home-baked bread that Brother Joe's daughter made for us is the BEST I have ever tasted!

All of us had a great time talking, meeting family members. We also met some good potential and future members of the Knights of Pythias in which, we need to continue to recruit in order for us to continue to grow and be successful in our goals has Brother Knights in sharing and spreading the spirit of Friendship of Damon and Pythias.

The Horseshoe competition was awesome somehow all of us managed to hit some ringers after warming up. I did notice that our Brother's in the Valley were up to the Friendly competition. I personally enjoyed it and had a lot of fun!

The scenery was beautiful. Mother Nature outdid herself in this area, the weather was great! We couldn't have asked for a better day. I must say that the highlight of this picnic was to see all of us sharing and having a great time. 

Thank you, Br. Joe Emery and to all the Brothers and Family members in the Valley who made this picnic a wonderful one and to all of us who attended... God Bless and hope to see all of you very soon.

Friendship, Charity, and Benevolence 


Willie Sanchez
Grand Secretary
Grand Domain of Arizona