Sunshine Girls

The Sunshine Girls have existed since 1930 and is a junior order of the Pythian Sisters. The purpose of the Sunshine Girls is to lay a foundation of purity, service, and usefulness in all things that help to make the lives of those around us happier and the world a better place to live in.

Our goals:

  • To teach each girl that God is the very essence of our existence.

  • To teach that respect for their parents.

  • To love our Country.

  • To practice Friendship, Charity, and Hope and to ever have Faith in God's children, seeing the good and trying to forget all that is unkind in people.

Our motto is "Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the people you can."

There are Sunshine Girl Councils in New Mexico, California, Ohio, and Virginia, and a newly instituted one in Texas. There has been an expressed interest in Kentucky, Michigan, and another location in Virginia.

It takes 15 girls ages 8-20 to start a Pythian Sunshine Girls Council. Many of these girls join Pythian Sister Temples in their area when they reach the age of 16. We are proud of the fact that there are several past and present Supreme Temple Officers who got their start in the Pythian Order as Pythian Sunshine Girls.

The Pythian Sunshine Girls does make a difference in the lives of the girls and those who work with them. It is a very rewarding experience.

For further information, please contact:

Pythian Sunshine Girls Information
Supreme Royal Princess - Denise Friend
3813 - 70th Street NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120-1630
E-mail address: